Thursday, July 22, 2010

you have made me hate myself
but only in the way
that I admire
the most tantalizing characters in novels
the bad person is always the most interesting,
which is what I am most about non?
mais, quand meme
j'ai mal au coeur
mais aucun desire
de rehabilite mes sentiments envers toi,
et moi
ou bien comme tu bientot sera

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

there is a silken heat
that is infecting
all my unluxurious fabrics
that sway of silk I want to feel in this heat
like a breeze
a dip
my internal anger makes me want to combust
from inside out
leaving marks on the sheets
spontaneous combustion
and other paranormal
by those
to notions of such crap
I want to drown out the fire
in a fit
through a puddle, midnight
while the whole street watches
so that its burns holes
into their hearts
while I seethe,
and let go of myself transfigured
the demon out
and the silken heat, the sweaty velvet, the musky damask

Monday, July 5, 2010

I just want to whisper something in your ear

that you wont hear

leave you forlorn and wondering

what I could have said,

especially judging from the way I cocked my head

these days I sit upon a cold patio

in a cold shadow

wondering where has my sun king gone

when its pluto I feel the most

I crave at least a jupiter

or a saturn with rings above his head

a golden halo

is it Jesus for whom I so desperately call

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am filled with enough sadness to fill 50 barrels of wine
all of which
I could promptly smash apart
like crystal breaking
and gashing all the liaisons of my heart
I haven't felt truthful in a while and
I sure admit I've got no alibi
but that certain songs break my back
and the pain of the bones makes me cry