Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Crushes on people dont go away. I see your face and I shuffle my feet and lose my voice, you're like a bad flu really. Especially when I dont expect it.
Curt tones and nods, same thing happening every day. I'm going to jump over some fences tomorow morning, smoke a bunch of cigarettes and laugh at every joke I hear.
I need some new blooooood in my life, a new vision, new paths to follow, new stores to rummage through, infinite possibility!
It really is going to have to be OCAD or Concordia in 2 years despite the breaking of heart that will ensue from leaving here, and things like the regular bars, running into people everyday, dio mio, and the dates. the daily smiles I receive. I need enrichment of expirience, I cant deal with this same thing. Next year will make me or break me. I dont care about the people, people can be met, I'm a complete hermit anyhow and I;m happier with my watercolours and magazines, although human company and touch is craved
especially touch. I cant get myself to that point and I cant think about it too often because then I wont do anything but stay here. NSCAD would be wonderful but..once again, the same people always.I want to steal away every chance I get, like bob seger, practice my night moves. Is it lame I'm looking forward to shopping and movies and supper friday night with pretty little skinny boyzzz? Because I truly am. REALLY TRULY HONESTLY MADLY.

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