Sunday, September 7, 2008

she found him hiding under her grandma's quilt
one that was bought at a fair long ago
he was hiding and outside it snowed
she had never felt so cold,
despite the heat of the burning wood floors.
he couldnt apologize
he knew it would be right
but his reasons for his actions left her mystified
and all this time she could only think
to turn his heart the cold granite
she felt
not even growing warmer in the hottest sun
she felt no emotion
wouldnt speak to anyone
of her 6 sisters while they turned down their cloaks
in shame in the village where they had all grown
into ladies who were shamed by the youngest one
who had followed her hearts misery and shrouded herself
into the walls on the well from which they all drank
and they could taste her blood every morning and night
it would never dry
yet the well stayed cold
thanks to the cold granite that was jammed in her throat.

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