Sunday, September 21, 2008

I guess that I just always assume that people dont like me too much. I am quick witted with my assumptions, I make them and change them on the dime and am convinced in my conniving mind that eventually I am always right. My assumptions, may I add are always negative. I thrive on negativity because then when I am surprised by the results of my interaction with someone, I take it with more joy than one usually would.
on this note, I feel loved- I feel like I dont have friends. IN reality, I have just because so tenderly close with my co-workers, that I realize tonight that work has brought me to them via fate ( if I would dare announce) rather than just being friendly with them because they are always around. I keep getting these displays of their affection and I just want to bawl my eyes out at every single one of them because I just dont understand why anyone would ever like me enough to put all that effort into me.
48 hours till I leave.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...I think everyone feels like this from time to time. X
